Oversea FirstAid

China Re Life Oversea Tourists First Aid App

Client: China Re Insurance Company


FirstaAid is designed and developed to aid China Re’s customers seeking emergency medical assistance while traveling overseas. *The highlight of this project is that it applies the dispatching and sharing location technology to the traditional insurance company to bring better services for its clients.

My Role

Product Design UX Design UI Design Communication


China ReLife Insurance company offers it’s customer oversea travel insurance. It's clients (Chinese tourists) have difficulty to find medical assistant when needed due to language boundary and unfamiliarity with the local facilities. When an emergency medical condition happened, it is always risky for tourists.

Inspiration & Solution

China ReLife developed this Oversea Tourists First Aid App to provide better customer service. This app includes two versions: the tourist version, and the first-aider version. It allows tourists to approach medical assistant while traveling in a foreign country easily.

The crucial feature of this project is inspired by dispatching technology. In this case, a nearest available first-aid personnel can be dispatched to the patient through this app.

How does it work


Since it is a one week project, I need to develop my idea fast and confirm it with both clients and engineer. I used fast prototype method to achieve this goal. Hand drawing helped me to communicate my ideas and iterate design fast

1 / 2

Patients Version

2 / 2

Fist Aid Personnels Version

Final Design

Further Develpment

In the future, China Re Life oversea first aid program is planning to develop a platform for program information admin to manage the information of oversea cooperative medical institutions, to make sure the latest information of these medical institutions that are covered by China Re Life insurance can be synchronized to the patients’ app on time.